Dear Thursday,
why must you mock me so? You're everything that Friday isn't, boring....tedious.....leaving nothing to anticipate, save another work day. You don't even provide a new episode of Grey's or private practice anymore. What good are you? You're nothing. An irritant. A space holder. A nuisance. Your only redeeming qualities are:
A. I get to leave an hour early to take Emily to gymnastics
B. So you think you can dance results show
Besides that, you're boring me to death. I am yawning and I just downed 20 ounces of coffee. That doesn't bode well for the rest of my day. I am a sagittarius and as such, I require excitement....change of pace.....something, so get it together Thursday and provide me with some decent stimulation already.
Oh lord, I'm fading quickly....
3 months ago
Thursday said:
I'f not for my qualities.
Then Friday's would have
less meaning,,
just something to think about...
Very true! It's afternoon now, so I'm able to appreciate the alternative perspective. Thanks for the insight.
I got something for you baby dont worry your evening will turn out Love allever YOURS
Thursday says:)
No need for thanks, I knew u were aware of it all along,
Sometimes tho, We might need a fresh pair of eyes to see something differently.
U pretty lady, r doing just great.
I wish I could have a 'snore-ish' thursday, or any work day for that matter. They have me running around so bad, I panic for the 5 min break I get while the receiver downloads, software, and menu.
We should trade afew thurs' a year. I have to warn you though, some times my bosses expect you to cram 2 day work into 1 1/4 days hrs.
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