And then I think that "yeah, Disneyland is fun and happy happy run here and there and blah" but it is also damn hard and exhausting. And I really don't want to go back anytime super soon. And I know you're all thinking "but it's so worth it!"
And then I remind myself of those women who have one child and never ever want to do it again because labor and babies and all that are so damn hard and exhausting, and I always think "yeah, but it's SO worth it!"
So ok, day 2.
It was St Patrick's Day. It was also the day that we had "MAGIC MORNING *WE'RE SO SPECIAL* ENTRANCE TO THE PARK", where we have to be there at the butt crack of dawn and get in before the general public.
I yanked everyone out of bed, made them get all irished up and perky and we headed down to take full advantage of the free breakfast at our hotel. And Caliana, she took full advantage

Then we hurried wait for 15 minutes for the bus. SO much for butt crack of dawn.

We still arrived with 30 minutes left of our "Magic morning" and you know what? It turns out that thousands of other people also got a "magic morning" and we spent our magical 45 minutes waiting in line for the Finding Nemo submarines that do not offer fastpass, even though they so totally should.
That was about all Patrick could take of the lines and he opted out of the matterhorn. That's when we lost him. Cali declared the ride "sooo scarrry" after we got off and we moved on to Dumbo. I spent the entire ride scanning the crowd from my elevated position looking for my husband because no way in hell was I spending all afternoon with all 3 kids and no stroller and no other adult on my team.

There he is! Found him. The one in the green hat! Because that was so helpful in spotting him in the crowd on St Patrick's Day.

We got on a couple more rides and then hopped the bus back to the hotel. Patrick and I fought over who got pool duty, but I had taken it the day before, so it was his turn.

I actually got to catch a little nap. I totally loved those hotel pillows and if I had a smidge less integrity I totally would have packed up a few to bring home.
We, and by we, I mean me and the kids because Patrick wanted a longer rest, spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at California Adventure, which I found to be delightfully less crowded than Disneyland. Caliana napped and I sat on my ass for 45 minutes while Emily and Damien ran through the Brother Bear obstacle course.
I got a thousand and one comments and compliments on Cali's outfit, and two people asked if they could take her picture. Someone even asked me if I bought her dress at the park, so that made me feel good and oh so talented.

She woke up, uh......I woke her up just in time for the pixar parade, which rocked, and showcased all of her favorite characters.

Damien and I rode Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, which was so freaky and awesome. Then we bummed around in the little kid bug's life area and waited in line 20 minutes to ride a 30 second ride that moves 2 miles a millenium. I got a phone call from the kids' dentist around this time about making appointments for their checkups, so at least it wasn't a total waste of time.

Patrick met us for pizza at a cute little surfer restaurant that had very expensive and gross pizza. I think I'm remembering this part of the day in a negative light because I.was.tired.
Then we rode the golden Zephyr and actually got a picture of all 5 of us.

But the fun wasn't over yet, no way.

We promised the kids we'd get a good spot and stay and watch the fireworks. So that's what we did. We stood there for 45 minutes guarding our good spot, and Damien fell asleep through the entire thing. It took us another 45 minutes to get out of the park. Madness.
But a great time was had by all!

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