In reality, it couldn't have gone smoother. I was in and out in 5 minutes, with keys to the same Chevy HHR we took to Utah last year, and loved, and the rental car man even gave me his employee discount. And let me tell you, it felt SO SO wonderfully awesome to drive again. I cranked up the radio and went through the McDonald's drive thru, just because I could.
I got home and finished packing and then tried to get some sleep. It was 4:30 in the afternoon when I went to lay down, and 6:00 pm when I woke up. I stayed in bed for another 2 hours trying to fall back asleep and eventually got another hour nap, but that was as good as it was going to get.
We left at 11 pm. I stayed pumped up on coffee and red bull all night and didn't even get drowsy. Patrick stayed up with me and we got to Anaheim around 6 am.
There was a McDonald's with a giant playplace so we got breakfast, let the kids run around and got dressed.
We parked the car at our hotel and went around back to catch the shuttle to Disneyland. Everyone was very excited, giggly and doped up on sausage mcmuffins. The bus came and I promptly tripped over the stroller and landed right on my hands and knees. Lovely start to the day. I totally blame it on very little sleep, cause there's no way it's just that I'm clumsy. Ok, that's a bold faced lie, but at least I didn't rip my jeans.
These are from the bus ride. They weren't excited, they were just still laughing at mommy falling on her face

Highlights of the day:
-going in, when we were all full of energy and excitement

-Emily closed her eyes for the entire Indiana Jones ride
-Everyone told me to skip Tarzan's treehouse, but my kids loved it and climbed all those stairs at least 3 times

- Patrick located all 3 smoking sections in under 5 minutes

- We ran into Patrick's parents and sister who we had no clue would be there at the same time as us
- Emily got to pretend to shoot her brother in the face

- Meeting Woody and Jessie. Some of Cali's all time favs

- Having lunch at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney, even though we were getting quite.....cranky and snappy by that point.

We checked into our hotel at 3pm, and were so ready for a break.

I took the kids to the pool and I'm pretty sure some guy was taking pictures of me with his phone. It was either for him to say "damn, look at this hottie in her bikini", or "ewww, look at this chick, she should NOT be wearing that bathing suit." I didn't take any pictures, so you can't judge for yourself. Sorry.
Since Patrick and I were both tired and pissy, we decided to split up after dinner. He stayed at the hotel, and I took the kids back to Disneyland, and holy hell was it busy at night. We hit up tomorrowland and got a few rides in. Caliana loved loved loved Buzz Lightyears Astro Blasters and Damien was way stoked over Star Tours.

We ran out as the fireworks were starting, catching glances over our shoulders, but trying to beat the crowds. HAHAHAHA! What a joke.
The kids declared it the longest day of their lives. They said it seemed we had been on vacation for 3 days already and I had to completely agree. I was beyond ready for sleep, blessed sleep.

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