Friday, July 16, 2010

Things that have changed since last Friday

-Last Friday my dryer was working, this Friday it is not

-Last Friday I was pregnant, this Friday I'm not

-Last Friday my sister lived in Florida, this Friday she's in California

-Last Friday my daughter was 3, this Friday she is 4

There are also a lot of things that are the same. Last week I spoke of adventure, and change is adventure.....but right now it's the sameness that offers me grace.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bran-Bran...
please give ur sis my phone # and tell her that i would like very much to talk with her.if she will call..
also...i will be coming down that way around the 30th...what can i get for Cali's birthday present?
and i was saddend to learn that u r now not with child...My heart to u Bran..i love and miss u... MjG.

Ben said...

My sympathy's too..